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Technical writing

The right choice of words to enhance your image

The content of the documents and their writing are tailored to the target audience, be they engineers, machine operators or the general public.

We ensure the overall consistency of your documents in their hierarchy and formatting, tailoring the complexity and information flow to the requirements of your audience.

Relevant use of illustrations limits the needs for translations and improves comprehensibility.

In the text drafting process, we make sure to use simple and concise language to aid assimilation of the explanations.

Our approach is as follows:

    1. Information gathered by our engineers/writers directly from your premises.
    2. Analysis and set-up of document structure.
    3. Drafting of texts, procedures and description.
    4. 2D and 3D illustration based on your files.
    5. DTP with the style sheets programmed in line with your graphic charter, page layout of the texts and illustrations.

    If necessary:

    1. Translation and language management with a single point of contact.
    2. Comprehensive document management for better structural and technical consistency.
Traduction light

Technical translation

Over many years, RédaTech SA has cultivated an expanding network of translators competent in several fields and covering all languages.

From machine tools to the medical sector as well watchmaking or aeronautics, we can meet your requirements in any industrial sector.

Our translators work into their native language and in their own field of competence, where they have expert command of the terminology.

Our translation department can call on human expertise, as well as innovative and reliable processing technology, to provide a high-performance translation solution tailored to your requirements, not only for the texts that we draft, but also for your own documents (technical, sales, legal), in all file formats.

Diffusion light

Publication & Distribution

High quality preparation and assembly…

… because, as the saying goes, time is money!

A genuinely revolutionary tool in technical communication, our software platform ADN helps prepare and distribute the technical documents supplied with your equipment. In this way you save precious time and provide professional follow-up for your customers.


We offer three vectors, namely:

  • Printed documentation supplied in a binder.
  • CDs, DVDs or USB drives.
  • Web platform where all the documents associated with a piece of equipment remain accessible at any time, in just a few clicks.

Rapid information searches:

Access to information is improved thanks to high-performance indexing and search tools.

Optimised information display and searching on all types of media – computer, tablet, smartphone.

Gestion documentaire light

Document management

Your document project is in good hands. We organise your technical documentation, and our loyal customers’ documentation, to ensure its long-term performance and provide updates in all relevant versions and languages.

  • In several cases, we manage hundreds of documents.
  • Version management and handling of updates.
  • Ensuring consistency of documents aimed at the user through customised organisation (and structure).
  • Incorporation into a technical dossier and distribution for better legibility.
  • Traceability and comprehensive tracking of all data over time by a backup system with permanent access.

Tools & Media

To design your documentation, we draw on our command of the main traditional DTP (desktop publishing) software.

We also use innovative tools such as ST4 to offer interactive document formats based on html5, xml or other virtual media.

Flawless efficiency, and tried-and-tested standardisation, is ensured in our management of your documents, thanks to document databases comprising tens of thousands of entries.

We produce all the illustrations and animations independently thanks to the AutoDesk Inventor, SolidWorks Composer and Cinema 4D tools.

Using the high-performance CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools Transit and Trados, we put together translation memories in all the language pairs relevant to you, in order to capitalise on completed translations, and make substantial long-term savings.

We adopt your terminological glossaries, or create them with you as the work progresses.

Your documents can then be processed in any formats and in any languages, for distribution on any media.


Content Management System


Page layout (DTP)


Page layout (DTP)


Design (CAD)


3D Animation & Realistic Render


Technical document illustration – animations  (CAD)


Translation management  (CAT)


Translation management  (CAT)